Boots on Ground
A5 Agronomy services
Boots on Ground contains services such as soil sampling, tissue testing, scouting and consulting. After viewing the results, the fertilizer prescription will be determined, and products will be supplied. The yield data analytics will be conducted if available to get another view for areas needing nutrients.
The Boots on Ground service includes assisting managers with field tours. Collecting soil and plant samples to perform analysis determine the deficiencies in the crop. The growth of the crop will be monitored through looking at the soil characteristics, water flow and drainage. Scouting will be conducted on a daily to weekly basis to ensure everything is going according to plan.
Fertilizer programs will be implemented to secure all fertilizer needs. Research will be done on new chemicals and crop cultivators to ensure the best quality instruments are being used. We will work alongside laboratories to evaluate the effects pest and weather have on the crops. With that research we will seek solutions to protect crops against harmful conditions. By collaborate with other researchers we will discover a unique way to enhance plant growth.
We will ensure that all the needs of the plant are being met by consulting with farmers and the managers. They will be kept up to date with cropping practices to increase economic return. Farmers will be encouraged to participate in the best farming practices and management principles to increase plant production. Suggestion about improvement will be made to the farmer and managers.
Afterwards a report about the results will be made to the farmer to compare with past results. Research done on the plants and soil will be exposed and explained to the farmer.
The goal of this service is to improve the quality of the crops and help convey with the farmer to consistently improve yields.